8 questions for: Heather Guerre

Heather Guerre
Heather Guerre
Heather Guerre writes sweet and steamy romances. No matter the subgenre, she loves telling stories about complex, wounded, lonely characters finding their one—the person they can be vulnerable with, who they can trust wholeheartedly, who makes them feel seen and valued, and who'll rail them nine ways to Sunday. This week, she took the time to answer our 8 questions.

Let’s play a game of 'Kiss Marry Kill' with your own book heroes

I would kiss Irdu because he is the sweetest cinnamon roll in the world.

I'd marry just about any of my heroes, but I think I'd be most compatible with Amos Hansen because we're both low-key homebodies.

It pains me to kill any of my characters, but I think I'd kill Mikhail Volkov, because as his widow, Kate would definitely put his estate to good use.

Your heroines, which one is most likely to  a) bring world peace b) rescue a puppy c) wake up not quite knowing where she is d) couldn’t be bothered to fill out our questionnaire?

A: Kate Pasternak seems mercenary on the surface, but she's the one with the desire, the planning skills, and the resources necessary to actually bring about world peace.

B: Jules Wolfe is definitely the most soft-hearted of all my heroines, she'd be sure to rescue any puppies who needed it.

C: Ashlyn Vandale is most likely to wake up not quite knowing where she is, mainly because she keeps trying to not spend the night at Noah's place and failing.

D: Definitely Theyma Ruan mostly because, now that she's free, she's not likely to do anything she doesn't want to.

Which secondary character of yours really deserves their own book, but was done dirty by you?

I think a lot of people really want Bee to have her own story, and she might some day—she didn't get a full resolution yet.

What would you like to see more in romance books?

I'd love to see a resurgence in medieval romances. I devoured those when I was younger, but they've fallen out of popularity for a while now.

If you could retire one romance book trope once and for all, which one would it be?

Every time I try to think of a trope I don't like, I think of at least one book that did it really well. I guess I'll just say, I generally don't enjoy the "damaged hero breaks up with the heroine for her own good" trope.

3 romance authors you are secretly upset with because they are so darn good?

Alice Coldbreath is amazing at taking fairly low stakes domestic plots and making them feel engaging and important. KJ Charles's plots are razor sharp and her characters are so compelling, I devour her books the instant a new one releases. Grace Draven writes such immersive fantasies with characters that feel very real.

Which one of your books would you recommend to a new reader?

I think Cold Hearted (Tooth & Claw #1) is a good introduction to my general style as an author.

Describe you latest book in a 3 word alliteration

Weird wife wager

What Was Meant To Be by Heather Guerre

'Weird wife wager' - Consider me very intrigued! 'What Was Meant To Be' is available for purchase now.

What Was Meant To Be

What Was Meant To Be by Heather Guerre

Heather Guerre

Heather Guerre