Women loving women: 22 fantastic contemporary lesbian romance books

Written by Silke, updated 30 Apr 2024

We have compiled a list with our absolute favorite modern-day lesbian romance book couples for your reading pleasure.

  • #21 Waiting in the Wings - Melissa Brayden

    Waiting in the Wings - Melissa Brayden

    contemporary lesbian romance

    If you don’t get lost, there’s a chance you may never be found.

    Jenna McGovern has spent her whole life training for the stage. She’s taken dance classes, voice lessons, and even earned her performance degree from one of the most prestigious musical theater programs in the nation. At graduation, she’s stunned when a chance audition lands her a prime supporting role in the hottest Broadway touring production in the country. In more exciting news, Jenna discovers acclaimed television star Adrienne Kenyon is headlining the production.

    Jenna settles easily in to life on tour and has a promising career laid out in front of her, if only she plays her cards right.. more

  • #22 Wild - Meghan O'Brien

    Wild - Meghan O'Brien

    contemporary lesbian romance paranormal werewolves shapeshifters

    The only thing that frightens shapeshifter Selene Rhodes more than the full moon is the idea of falling in love.

    Selene Rhodes has lived her whole life with a terrible secret: not only can she take the form of any animal at will, but once a month the full moon transforms her into a fierce wolf-creature without a human conscience. Managing her condition means living by a strict routine, and more importantly, abstaining from intimate relationships with human beings. Selene is convinced that love and friendship can only bring her pain.

    Forensic pathologist Eve Thomas is well-acquainted with the pain of romantic love.. more