Election Special: Some fun romance books featuring politicians (as heroes)

Written by Silke, updated 08 Jun 2021

So Election Day in America is coming up shortly – and I figured I should get a list out for political romance as quickly as I can. Because, depending on who you listen to on the streets of America nowadays, voting for the other candidate is going to mean that 8 years from now we’re all going to be living in caves eating rats. The world will be a post-apocalyptic nightmare and no one will have Kindle’s anymore so they won't get a chance to check out these books.

I haven’t found as many political romances in my time as say, bad boy romances – but this niche does indeed exist and I have read quite a few. I even wrote one – President Stepbrother…With Benefits. I know – I say I don’t promote my books in my lists, but this book is so old that it makes Bernie Sanders seem spry.

Few other things to mention. When it comes down to rooting for romance book politicians my political affiliations run towards whoever has the biggest... well. And if they’re cute, they can grab me by the pussy any day of the week. I’ll be a nasty woman for them. I’ll delete whatever emails they want me to. Unless they have small hands. That’s just a deal breaker. Sorry.

By the way I never thought I’d be able to use elements from the election in an article about smut. It’s like I’m the more respectable one nowadays.

Before I get sidetracked, here now are 5 political romances in no particular order that’ll make you want to stuff your…uhmm…ballot box.

  • #1 Politically Incorrect - Jeanne McDonald

    Politically Incorrect - Jeanne McDonald


    So first off, I’m a bit disappointed that this book is not on Kindle Unlimited, which means people who rely on the subscription service that Amazon provides will not be able to read this for free. But it does mean that if you read a Nook, or whatever else is out there, that you can get it from that service as well. The price is a bit high as well – at $3.99. But you’re basically paying for quality. And that quality shines through in the characters. Elizabeth, the female protagonist, is the kind of strong alpha female that I like to write about. I love women who are independent and Elizabeth fits that bill. I also love the older woman and younger man situation as well... more

  • #2 Beautiful Disaster - Natasha Wessex

    Beautiful Disaster - Natasha Wessex

    funny new adult contemporary

    This was a very nice, quick, amazing read. I loved how Alex and Roslyn are the flipped opposites of what you normally find in a contemporary romance. It’s the girl that needs taming to an extent because she’s having this amazing wild and crazy lifestyle. It’s everything that I wish I could do and the way Natasha writes these characters totally allows me to step into Roslyn’s shoes. Alex Sinclair is the boyfriend you want to introduce your parents to. Even though it came out about a month ago, I’ve read it twice... more

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  • #3 The Kingmaker - Selena Laurence

    The Kingmaker - Selena Laurence

    multicultural contemporary suspense forbidden love strong heroine

    Wow. That’s the only word I can use to describe it. Filled with juicy scandal through and through this reminds me so much of House of Cards that I read through it in one night with complete ease. The whole concept of the power brokers and the behind the scenes machinations is intense. You end up getting sucked into the world of political deal making so much. Add in the overt sexuality that runs rampant through this book and you might want to read this before laundry day, if you get what I mean ;) In all seriousness though, I loved the complex interplay of the characters here and actually used some of the themes as inspiration for my political romance work as well... more

  • #4 Fixer - Samantha Westlake

    Fixer - Samantha Westlake

    new adult suspense bad boys contemporary

    It wouldn’t be a Victoria Cabot list without some bad boy action and Fixer by Samantha Westlake provides just that for this list. But going into it, it’s not wall to wall sexual content that some bad boy romances are – rather it’s actually like a sexy version of the West Wing. Which is hot. Before you know it, you get caught up in the banter between Tanner and Alicia as they navigate the political cross currents. It’s not going to provide you a complete civics lesson, but it’s going to be a far sight sexier lesson in politics than my high school Government class... more

  • #5 Prime Minister - Ainsley Booth,Sadie Haller

    Prime Minister - Ainsley Booth,Sadie Haller

    funny erotic romance contemporary bdsm politician

    So at first I was a little hesitant about putting another non-Kindle Unlimited book on this list but Prime Minister is actually a deliciously wicked read. It draws you in and you can’t help but make comparisons to a sexy certain Prime Minister in Canada. I’m not mentioning any names but let’s just say that I tuned in a lot more to Canadian news broadcasts for a while after reading this book. And Gavin – what a perfect name for a Prime Minister. And the stuff that he’s into? Take Christian Grey from 50 Shades and a hot, sexy Canadian Prime Minister and all of a sudden I am so jealous of Ellie... more