The Morland Dynasty Series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

4.18 · 129 ratings
  • The Founding (The Morland Dynasty #1)

    The Founding (The Morland Dynasty #1)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 3.93 of 5 stars
    · 13 ratings · published 2010

    1434: Wars of the Roses; Richard III Seeking power and prestige; grim, ambitious Yorkshireman Edward Morland arranges a marriage between his meek son Robert and spirited Eleanor, young ward of the influential Beaufort family. Eleanor is not only appalled at being forced to marry a mere "sheep farmer," but is secretly in love with Richard, Duke of York... more

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  • The Dark Rose (The Morland Dynasty #2)

    The Dark Rose (The Morland Dynasty #2)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.13 of 5 stars
    · 8 ratings · published 2010

    1501: Henry VIII Paul, great-grandson of Elanor Morland, has inherited the Morland estates, and his own Amyas is set to be his heir. But Paul fathers a beloved illigitimate son, and bitter jealousy causes a destructive rift between the two half-brothers which will lead to death. Paul's niece, Nanette, becomes a maid-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn, and at the court of Henry VIII she becomes embroiled in the King's bitter feud with Rome... more

  • The Princeling (The Morland Dynasty #3)

    The Princeling (The Morland Dynasty #3)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.13 of 5 stars
    · 8 ratings · published 2010

    1558 - Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots Protestantism is sweeping the land and threatens the position of the Catholic Morlands, so they must seek new spheres of influence. John, the heir, rides north to the untamed Borderlands to wed the daughter of Black Will Percy, Northumberland cattle lord. But he finds he must first prove himself, and win her heart through blood and battle... more

  • The Oak Apple (The Morland Dynasty #4)

    The Oak Apple (The Morland Dynasty #4)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 2001

    1630 - Charles I; the Civil War When civil war destroys the long years of peace in England, the clash between King and Parliament is echoed at Morland Place. Richard, the heir, brings home a Puritan bride, while his dashing brother Kit joins the Royalist cavalry under Prince Rupert, leaving their father, Edmund, desperately trying to steer a middle course... more

  • The Black Pearl (The Morland Dynasty #5)

    The Black Pearl (The Morland Dynasty #5)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1994

    1659 - Charles II; The Restoration The bleak years of Cromwell's Protectorate are drawing to a close. Civil war and its aftermath have left Morland Place in bad case, but with the return of the king, Ralph, the master, believes he can rebuild its fortunes. For his beautiful and ambitious cousin Annunciata it means a journey to London where, embroiled in the amours and intrigues of Charles's Court, she makes her fortune and at last unlocks the secret of her past... more

  • The Long Shadow (The Morland Dynasty #6)

    The Long Shadow (The Morland Dynasty #6)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1994

    1670 - Charles II and James II Morland Place has flourished under Ralph's stewardship, while Annunciata is a great lady of the Court. Splendid futures seem to be promised for her children; but the religious rift opened by Henry VIII has never been fully healed, and conflict resurfaces at the accession of the Catholic James II. Frightening times ensue, when it is impossible to know who to trust. Annunciata herself is put on trial, while jealousy, betrayal and sudden death threaten her family... more

  • The Chevalier (The Morland Dynasty #7)

    The Chevalier (The Morland Dynasty #7)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1994

    1689 - William and Mary; Queen Anne; George I; The Old Pretender (1715 Rebellion) Annunciata, fiercely loyal to the Stuart cause, follows King James II into exile, leaving her gentle grandson Matt to care for Morland Place. In her absence he contracts an unwise marriage with India Neville, a woman as heartless as she is beautiful, who drives him between the extremes of passionate love and deep despair... more

  • The Maiden (The Morland Dynasty #8)

    The Maiden (The Morland Dynasty #8)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.33 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1985

    1720 - George I; George II; the Young Pretender (Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1745 Rebellion) Political intrigue is rife as the Stuart-Hanoverian struggle continues. Jemmy, heir to Morland Place, contracts a dutiful marriage to the chilly Lady Mary in order to secure Hanoverian protection and safeguard his inheritance. Morland lives are riven by the '45 rebellion and the bloody massacre at Culloden, and at their lowest point, their fortunes rest in the small hands of Jemmy's daughter Jemima... more

  • The Flood-Tide (The Morland Dynasty #9)

    The Flood-Tide (The Morland Dynasty #9)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1986

    1772 - George III; the American War of Independence England is peaceful under George III, and Morland Place flourishes under the careful tending of Jemima and her loyal husband Allen. Their seven children often bring them heartache, but they are sustained by their love for each other and their absorbing interest in improving the estate lands. But beyond England's shores things are not so calm... more

  • The Tangled Thread (The Morland Dynasty #10)

    The Tangled Thread (The Morland Dynasty #10)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.33 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1987

    1788 - The French Revolution; beginning of Industrial Revolution In France, as the revolution begins, Henri, the bastard offshoot of the Morland family, strives to protect his family. He binds his daughter Heloise in loveless marriage to a Revolutionary, and allies himself with the vigorous Danton. But in the bloodbath of the Terror and the fall of Danton, Henri goes to the guillotine and Heloise flees to England where she is welcomed warmly by the Morland family... more

  • The Reckoning (The Morland Dynasty #15)

    The Reckoning (The Morland Dynasty #15)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.17 of 5 stars
    · 6 ratings · published 1993

    1816 - Post-war slump; Chartism; Pentrich Revolution; industrial progress Napoleon has been defeated at last, but victory brings no peace to England. The cost of war has been devastating. Inflation rages, bankruptcies multiply, and many of the ruined flee to the continent, including that symbol of the age just past, Beau Brummell. Discharged soldiers swell the ranks of the unemployed, wages tumble and the bread price soars. It is a tinderbox which takes only a spark to flame into riot... more

  • The Devil's Horse (The Morland Dynasty #16)

    The Devil's Horse (The Morland Dynasty #16)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 1994

    1820 - George IV; the railway The landscape of England is undergoing sweeping change as the country pioneers the steam-driven machine age. In Manchester, Sophie and Jasper face violent opposition to their plans for rehousing factory hands; Lucy brings her sons home from their Grand Tour, brimming with ideas for their future; and Rosamund enters a bizarre agreement with her husband, with tragic consequences... more

  • The Poison Tree (The Morland Dynasty #17)

    The Poison Tree (The Morland Dynasty #17)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 1995

    1831 - William IV As England emerges from the post-war depression, the country is changing, and the birth-pangs of a new age bring it to the brink of revolution. Violent times breed violent acts. Sophie's life is shattered by a hideous crime. Morland Place falls into chaos as Heloise removes her hand from the reins. Benedict is forced to leave home and makes a life among the railway pioneers, leaving Nicholas free to indulge the dark side of his nature... more

  • The Abyss (The Morland Dynasty #18)

    The Abyss (The Morland Dynasty #18)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2001

    1833: William IV, Victoria; the Railway Age; George Hudson The industrial age is sweeping through England and the Stephensons are planning the greatest engineering scheme ever undertaken - a railway line from Liverpool to London. At Morland Place, Nicholas had hoped that his brother Benedict had been banished for ever. But railway fever brings Benedict back to York as an engineer on the Leeds & Selby line... more

  • The Hidden Shore (The Morland Dynasty #19)

    The Hidden Shore (The Morland Dynasty #19)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 1997

    1843 - The early Victorian era When Charlotte's father dies she believes herself to be destitute. But a lawyer's letter reveals she is not only a part of the Morland family, but wealthy and a countess in her own right. She is expected to make a great marriage, and with her vivacious cousin Fanny at her side she is launched into her first Season. It is Fanny, the hardened flirt, who loses her heart first, while Charlotte catches the eye of Oliver Fleetwood, the most eligible man in London... more

  • The Winter Journey (The Morland Dynasty #20)

    The Winter Journey (The Morland Dynasty #20)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 1998

    1851 - The Mid-Victorian era; The Great Exhibition; The Crimean War The Great Exhibition brings all the Morlands to London - including a cousin from America. Charlotte is using her wealth and social position to build a hospital, and, aware of how badly sick people are nursed, defies convention to train a team of female nurses... more

  • The Outcast (The Morland Dynasty #21)

    The Outcast (The Morland Dynasty #21)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.00 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 1995

    1857 - The American Civil War At Morland Place, Benedict's peaceful life is overset when a mysterious orphan arrives. No-one can understand why he takes this waif into the household, but the strain his arrival causes forces Benedict to take the boy to America, to join his much-missed daughter Mary. There Benedict becomes enamoured of the Southern way of life, just as bitter civil war is about to destroy it forever.

  • The Mirage (The Morland Dynasty #22)

    The Mirage (The Morland Dynasty #22)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2000

    1870 - High Victorian Age; Franco-Prussian War George inherits Morland Place just before his majority, and though he believes himself more than equal to the challenge, he falls victim to the penniless but determined Miss Turlingham. He marries her against advice, and embarks on a spending spree the estate cannot afford to satisfy his new bride. In London, Charlotte's daughter Venetia, inspired by what she witnessed in Berlin during the Franco-Prussian war, is determined to become a doctor... more

  • The Cause (The Morland Dynasty #23)

    The Cause (The Morland Dynasty #23)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2002

    1874 - Women's Rights Venetia is on the brink of marrying Lord Hazelmere when she discovers he does not mean to allow her to continue training as a doctor. She calls the wedding off, and from being the talk of the Season becomes the scandal of the year. Estranged from family and friends, she needs all her determination to continue the fight... more

  • The Homecoming (The Morland Dynasty #24)

    The Homecoming (The Morland Dynasty #24)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2002

    1885 - The Late Victorian era With the death of her rector husband Henrietta is finally free to marry her love, the wealthy and handsome Jerome Compton. But Victorian propriety disapproves of Jerome's divorced status, and the couple are forced to seek anonymity in London. Henrietta finds she takes to urban life with great enjoyment, and she meets and becomes close to her cousin, Lady Venetia... more

  • The Question (The Morland Dynasty #25)

    The Question (The Morland Dynasty #25)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2003

    1898 - Late Victorian/Edwardian; the Second Boer War; Automobiles; the Suffragettes On the brink of a new century, the great stability of Victorian England is under threat. Europe is dividing into armed camps, while at home socialism and the suffragette movement challenge traditional values. At Morland Place, Teddy begins to restore the estate to its former glory, while his sister Henrietta's family fill the house with life, and nephew Bertie finds a haven from the strictures of his own home... more

  • The Dream Kingdom (The Morland Dynasty #26)

    The Dream Kingdom (The Morland Dynasty #26)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2004

    1908 - Edwardian period; Aviation In the height of Edwardian splendour, Jessie and Violet share a sparkling London debut. At Morland Place, Teddy's business is expanding and he brings home a new wife, to the anxiety of his sister Henrietta who knows there can't be two mistresses of the house. England is a land of confidence and opportunity but below the surface troubles are stirring... more

  • The Restless Sea (The Morland Dynasty #27)

    The Restless Sea (The Morland Dynasty #27)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2005

    1912 - The Titanic; George V England still conducts herself with Edwardian confidence; but beneath the surface cracks are breaking society apart. Socialism, strikes and riots, social unrest, and then the disasters of the Titanic and Captain Scott shake the ordered world... more

  • The White Road (The Morland Dynasty #28)

    The White Road (The Morland Dynasty #28)

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    Rated: 4.25 of 5 stars
    · 4 ratings · published 2006

    August 1914 The whole country is thrilled by the declaration of war. The British Expeditionary Force goes off to France to defend gallant little Belgium, and thousands more young men rush to volunteer, hoping to see action before the war ends at Christmas. At home everyone competes to be doing the most for the war effort. The Morlands have their share of volunteers, and no-one can say they aren't at the very heart of things... more

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